The One Word That Can Get You Anything You Want

Say what you will about Kanye West, but the controversial rapper-producer has a track record of success. And one of the weapons in his make-sh*t-happen arsenal might be something we can all get our hands on: A bracelet emblazoned with a word of intention.

Kanye’s wrist garb — which was prominently displayed on the cover of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People issue — was custom-made for him by entrepreneur Chris Pan, the founder of MyIntent. The company makes personalized necklaces and bracelets that tout a word that’s meaningful to the wearer. (Kanye’s word is beautify because “he wants to make the world a more beautiful place,” says Pan.)

The idea for the company grew out of personal need for Pan. “I was in a dark place,” he says, “and I wanted to remind myself to make a difference with my life. So I made a bracelet with the word ‘impact.’ I would look down, see the word, and remind myself that even though there were some things that weren’t going right, I still had this desire to make a difference.”

So why is a word of intention such a powerful motivator? Spiritual teacher and best-selling author Gabrielle Bernstein says your intentions create your reality. She offers this advice: “Clarify what you desire, then spend time every day sitting in the feeling of what it is you want to experience.”

Not sure what your word should be? Pan suggests asking yourself these questions:

  1. What virtue do you want more of in your life?

  2. What is a challenge you want to overcome?

  3. What are you most passionate about and want to do more of?

So, what’s your word of intention? Let us know in the comments. And watch the video above to learn more about the power of setting a positive intention.

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