The Best Barbecue in America, By the Numbers

How does one judge the best barbecue in America? Do you rank ribs by the number of fingers left covered in gooey, sweet barbecue sauce? Do you count the amount of calories served up on one platter? Does the darkness of char on beef brisket or a half a chicken designate better meat?

Data scientist Hilary Mason, who runs research firm Fast Forward Labs, pinpoints where to find the best barbecue in America by analyzing data from customer reviews, social media postings and menu offerings.

Mason looked at where in the country people took the most photographs of barbecue dishes and how they rated their plates. Among her findings: she discovered that chicken is the most popular type of barbecued meat, but it’s not necessarily the most well-liked.

And, you’ll be shocked to find out what side dish is rated the best among ‘cue lovers.

Check out the video to see where the best barbecue can be found, and what to order when you’re there.

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How to Barbecue Ribs, Brisket, Pork Butt, and More

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