Thanksgiving health tips: How to make more informed food choices

Dr. Taz breaks down holiday myths and miracles.

Video Transcript

DR. TAZ BHATIA: The holidays are here, and so many of us are looking for ways to lower our calorie count. I'm here to show you which holiday health packs are a myth and which are actually miracles.

Number 1, you can replace the mashed potatoes with sweet potatoes. And let me tell you why this is actually a miracle. Mashed potatoes versus sweet potatoes have more calories. Sweet potatoes actually also have more fiber, they're higher in vitamin A, and they help regulate a really important hormone-- insulin-- so that your blood sugar stays nice and stable throughout the day.

Number 2, replacing sugary cocktails with wine is healthy. This is actually a myth. We know that wine has around 140 calories per serving. Your cocktails, take any liquor-- it has about 96 calories, but then we add the juices, and the flavorings, and all that other good stuff, and it's kind of a wash.

Number 3, skipping lunch to save your calories for dinner-- now while that sounds healthy, this is actually a myth. And the reason why is because so many of us overeat. It's actually better to eat consistently throughout the day. Fill up on protein, drink plenty of water, and that way, when you get to the holiday meal, you'll be able to regulate your appetite better, and at the end of the day, actually consume fewer calories.

Number 4, replacing vegetable oil with coconut oil-- this is a miracle, and we know that coconut oil actually helps so many different aspects of your health. It supports gut health, it balances the amount of bad bacteria and yeast that you might have in your gut, it keeps you Fuller for longer. I like it. This one is a miracle.

Number 5, replacing sweetener with cinnamon-- this is actually a miracle. Here's why. We know this cinnamon, in so many studies, has been shown to lower blood sugar and keep your insulin level nice and stable. It means that you're going to have fewer sugar cravings, and you won't want quite as much of that favorite dessert that you might be waiting for during the holiday season.

At the end of the day, using cinnamon helps you to consume your calories, so it's going to help us all as we navigate the holiday season. We all want to enjoy our favorite foods. And don't be afraid to have an extra helping of the sweet potatoes.