TGR Provides Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Stars Of Its New Film

In advance of the release of its new film, "Legend Has It," Teton Gravity Research is spotlighting its star-studded cast of skiers.

First up is Colter Hinchliffe, a Coloradan skier who's appeared in TGR films for over a decade. Get to know Colter better by watching the video below.

In 2012, Colter appeared in his first TGR film, "Dream Factory." But that wasn't what initially got me stoked about Colter's skiing -- that honor goes to his 2013 TGR Colab edit, which, to put it bluntly, was a banger.

Check it out.

What of TGR's newest film, "Legend Has It," though?

The movie's premiering this fall on September 16th in Teton Village, Wyoming. After the premiere, "Legend Has It" will hit the road, screening at venues across North America. For screening dates, click here. To learn a little more about the film and check out the trailer, have a look at our recent write-up discussing "Legend Has It."

Folks, I know it feels like the heat's never gonna end, but ski movie season is right around the corner. So, hang in there. The flakes will start flying before you know it.

In the mean time, stay tuned to Powder. We have you covered on all the latest about upcoming ski movie releases.

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