Tess Holliday Slams Uber After Her Driver Says "There's No Way I Could Possibly Be Healthy Because I'm Fat"

Photo credit: Instagram/@tessholliday
Photo credit: Instagram/@tessholliday

From Seventeen

Plus-size model, #effyourbeautystandards founder, and grade A badass, Tess Holliday went in on Uber last night, after her driver began questioning her health during her ride.

She posted a video on Instagram where you can hear the driver ask the size 22 model about her cholesterol. She replies "my cholesterol is fine, I'm perfect. Yep, I'm healthy."

Watch it here.

The post also included an epic rant. She wrote:

"Hey @uber I don't pay more to use your 'black car' service to be told that there's no way I could possibly be healthy because I'm fat & then questioning it. No one should have to tolerate this at any level of the services you offer. I'm fat. I also have a fat wallet & will no longer be using your services. Ever. Also after I told him I was healthy he turned the radio off & changed the subject. #putmymoneywheremymouthis #uberdriver #uber"

Her comments were filled with sympathizers, some of whom said they've had similar experiences.

One commenter said: "A few weeks ago I was in an Uber taking me back to my apartment in NYC. During the entire 15 minute ride, my driver told me how I would be so much prettier/smarter/funnier/overall a better person if I dieted."

Just so we're all on the same page here, let me reemphasize this fact: a stranger's health is 👏 none 👏 of 👏 your 👏 business 👏. Kaythnxbye.

Follow Kelsey on Instagram!

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