Terrifying Video Shows Driver Crashing Headfirst Into a Snow Plow While Attempting to Pass a Semi Truck

A driver in upstate New York learned the meaning of the phrase "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" the hard way when attempting to pass a semi truck on a snow-covered road. And dash cam footage showed the exact moment the vehicle collided headfirst with a snow plow.

As with much of the northeast, New York has been hit with winter storms in recent days, with a second round arriving Friday. In some parts of the state, snow fell at a rate of up to three inches per hour along with near-subzero wind chills.

The exact timing of this incident remains unclear. However, the New York State Department of Transportation posted video to social media on Thursday ahead of the next round of storms, perhaps as a cautionary tale to drivers.

"Note to self: don't try to pass when roads are covered in snow and slush," the NYSDOT account wrote, adding that thankfully, no one was injured in the crash.

In the 10-second clip, the plow could be seen driving along a two-lane road when the headlights of the semi-truck and a black sedan appeared ahead, neck and neck. Although the sedan attempted to swerve back into its lane, it skidded on the slippery road and the driver's side front-end collided headfirst with the plow's front-left side.

A spokesperson for the agency likewise did not confirm where the accident took place, but told the New York Post that the video “underscores the need to drive carefully during snow and ice conditions."

According to the Federal Highway Administration, an average of 559 people die each year in the U.S. as a result of icy road conditions. Should you ever be driving and feel your vehicle skidding or slipping on snow or ice-covered roads, experts advise that you should not turn the steering wheel sharply or slam on the brakes—as the driver in this situation did—but gently let off the gas pedal.

But even the best drivers should always be prepared for an emergency on the road, so it doesn't hurt to keep a winter car emergency kit in your vehicle to can help navigate any unexpected incidents.