Tell Me A Weird Food Pairing That Shouldn't Work But Is Actually Delicious

Peanut butter and jelly, chicken and waffles, tomato soup and grilled cheese — food pairings are an essential and incredible part of the culinary experience.

chicken and waffles, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and tomato soup with a grilled cheese
Getty Images / BuzzFeed

Some pairings just make sense, like fish and chips, a burger and fries, macaroni and cheese. But others are completely unexpected and may even sound unappealing to someone hearing about them for the first time.

burger and fries, mac n cheese, fish and chips
Getty Images / BuzzFeed

Perhaps you had some unique cravings while pregnant and ended up making yourself a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. To this day, you still swear that it's a delicious sandwich and you have one for lunch every now and again.

peanut butter and pickles
Getty Images / BuzzFeed

Or perhaps your grandma told you the secret to a perfect piece of apple pie was to melt a slice of cheddar cheese on top. You were skeptical at first, but now you won't eat your pie any other way!

slice of cheese on top of an apple pie slice
Debbismirnoff / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Or maybe you've loved dipping your fries in honey ever since you were a kid. Though waiters and waitresses often give you a puzzled look when you request a side of honey with your fries, you know it's secretly the best dipping sauce option out there.

fries and honey
Getty Images / BuzzFeed

What's an unusual food pairing that doesn't sound like it would work, but is actually delicious together? Share your surprising snack in the comments below, or submit anonymously using this form. The best submissions will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!