What's The Absolute Worst Piece Of Relationship Advice Anyone's Ever Given You?

Relationships have their ups and downs, and sometimes people need to lean on their friends, family, and other loved ones when things get rough. Whether it's to vent, have a shoulder to cry on, or get advice, it can be nice to channel your feelings and get an outside perspective.

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Sometimes, however, people stick their nose where it doesn't belong, give unsolicited opinions, or offer up advice that is simply BAD.

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Perhaps you were hoping to take things to the next level with your crush but didn't know the best way to pique their interest or really get their attention. Your friend told you to play hard to get and let them make the first move. So you decided to take a step back and let them come to you. Unfortunately, your crush interpreted this as a lack of interest on your part, so they set their sights on someone who better matched their energy.

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Maybe you and your partner were going through a rough patch early on in your marriage, and your sister-in-law noticed things were off and decided to take the opportunity to encourage you and your partner to have a baby. She was adamant that a baby would bring you closer than ever, though her marriage seemed to prove the exact opposite.

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Or perhaps your future mother-in-law always says, "Never go to bed angry!" But time with your partner has actually taught you that cooling off and getting some rest before talking about something sensitive actually helps keep you and your partner more calm, levelheaded, and open-minded.

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What's the worst piece of relationship advice you've ever received? Did you follow the advice and find out it was bad the hard way? What happened??? Tell us in the comments, or submit anonymously using this form, for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!