Tell Us The Worst Christmas Horror Stories You've Actually Lived Through

Aah, yes — the Most Wonderful Time of the Year™ is upon us once again!

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Of course, along with the first fall of snow and holly-decked halls comes a lot of family time, which, for some, can quickly devolve into ✨utter mayhem✨.

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So for selfish entertainment purposes, we'd love to know your absolute WORST Christmas horror stories.

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Maybe your uncle got caught cheating on your aunt after he got a flirty text from his sidepiece, and your aunt saw (and this all happened at the dinner table)!!!!!!

Comedy Central / Via

Or mayhap one of your cousins ended up having a horrific allergic reaction to one of the side dishes, and you all ended up having to spend Christmas in the emergency room.

Disney Channel / Via

Or MAAAAAYBE your brother proposed to his longtime boyfriend on Christmas in front of the whole family and his boyfriend flat-out said no.

ABC / Via

So if you have a truly atrocious ✨Christmas horror story✨, please share it in the comments below. The absolute most heinous ones might just make it into an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post or video!