Tell Us About Your Most Shocking Party Experience

It was the perfect recipe for disaster. Your parents were out of town, the best friend was getting married, or it was the neighborhood's annual backyard barbeque. Regardless, the party was going to be something you would talk about for years to come.

New Line Cinema / Via

Now that you're back driving down memory lane — what's your wildest/unbelievable/most hilarious party story?

Maybe your neighbors hosted a crawfish boil that turned into WrestleMania when the neighborhood gossip found out her husband was cheating on her with not one but three other women on the block.

WWE / Via

Perhaps that invitation to a small high school drama club hangout was blasted out to the entire campus, and the chill kickback turned into an unhinged shindig of chaos.

Topshelf Records / Via

Or maybe the entire bridal party drank so much rosé that you all became lost in the middle of wine country, barefoot and hitchhiking through bushes — hauling loose bottles of wine between your armpits.

three bridesmaids with dirt on them
Disney-ABC Domestic Television

Share your MOST EPIC party story and share all the deets in the comments for an opportunity to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post. If your epic party story requires a little anonymity, use this Google Form to spill the beans.