Tell Us The Wildest Secret You're Keeping From Your Friends

Friends are people who know you — like really, really know you — but love you anyway. Through your best and worst moments, your friends are there. They listen to you, laugh with you, and do their best not to judge you.

  Flashpop / Getty Images
Flashpop / Getty Images

But your friends may not know *everything* about you. Sometimes, you just don't have the heart to tell your friends about every aspect of your life.

  Sergio Mendoza Hochmann / Getty Images
Sergio Mendoza Hochmann / Getty Images

Perhaps you're terrified to tell your best friend that you've caught feelings for her brother and the two of you have been secretly hooking up for a few weeks.

  Bernd Vogel / Getty Images
Bernd Vogel / Getty Images

Maybe you don't want your friends to know that you're planning to move cities to get back together with your ex. You know you'll have to tell them eventually if you follow through with the move, but you're so afraid of how they'll react.

  Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

Or perhaps your bestie thinks she lost her favorite shirt years ago while you were on a trip together, but you actually stole it because you really liked it. Too much time has passed now and you're afraid she'd be really upset, so you haven't told her you have it. You only wear it when you know you won't be seeing her or having your picture taken.

  Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

What's a wild secret you're keeping from one or more of your friends? Tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.