What's The Juiciest Secret You Found Out Your Family Was Keeping From You?

No matter how perfect a family may seem on paper, everyone's got a few skeletons in their closet. Whether it's a small white lie that's been passed down for generations, or a life-altering secret that some swore to take to the grave, just about every family is hiding something.

A woman shushing with her finger to her lips
Tetra Images / Getty Images

Perhaps when you were a teenager, you went rifling through some boxes in the basement to try and find an old book for a school project. In your search, you happened upon a scrapbook of wedding photos. No, it wasn't your parents' wedding book — it was pictures of your mom marrying another man! You questioned your mom, and that's how you learned she was married to someone before your dad, had an affair with your dad, got divorced, and then married your dad!

An old photo album
Andrey Sayfutdinov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Maybe you were celebrating Thanksgiving with your dad's side of the family, and the wine was flowing. Your uncle got up to get another drink, and when he did, your dad quickly started eating food from his plate. Your uncle walked back in and caught him in the act, so he jokingly yelled, "Hey, I thought your stealing days were behind you! Didn't you learn anything in jail?" Your mom dropped her fork and cleared her throat. Your dad started shifting awkwardly in his seat. Your grandma went pale. Then, your uncle said, "Oh, oops. Did your kids not know you've been to jail?" Nope, you had no idea, but boy did you ask for that story immediately.

A family having dinner
Gilaxia / Getty Images

Or, perhaps you didn't learn until you were a teenager that your parents were actually your grandparents, and your older sister was your biological mom. She'd gotten pregnant pretty young, so your grandparents traveled for a bit while she was pregnant, then settled in a new town when you were born and claimed you as their own.

A sonogram of a baby
Emmanuel Faure / Getty Images

What's a family secret you accidentally learned? What happened, and how did you find out? Tell us your story in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.