What Awful TV Storyline Do You Just Pretend Didn't Happen?

No matter how much we love a TV show, we all have episodes, relationships, and plots we dislike. Sometimes, you just gotta push through the bad storyline and keep going.

Miles and Tristan on "Degrassi"

But have you ever hated a storyline so much, you literally pretend it just never happened?


Maybe you'd prefer to erase the final few minutes of Season 4 of Veronica Mars out of your mind and pretend that Logan and Veronica lived happily ever after.

Logan and Veronica wedding

Perhaps you simply write off Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life as some strange fanfiction where everyone was awful and out of character, especially Rory having an affair with Logan.

Rory and Logan have an affair
Netflix / Courtesy Everett Collection

Or maybe you firmly believe that all of Season 4 of Elite was just a weird dream one of the characters had, because that's honestly the only way to make sense of any of it.

new characters on "Elite" Season 4
Netflix / Courtesy Everett Collection

Tell us about a TV storyline you like to pretend never happened and why you hated it so much. Your response could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!