Tell Us About The Pop Culture Tropes You're Tired Of Seeing In LGBTQ+ Stories

As Pride Month approaches, it's the perfect time to reflect on how far we've come in terms of LGBTQ+ representation on screen and how much further we still have to go.

Hello All / Via

So I've come to you, the BuzzFeed Community, to humbly ask which TV and movie tropes relating to queer characters and stories you think should be retired to the Great Trope Graveyard in the Sky.

Maybe you're sick and tired of bisexuality being treated as "just a layover on the way to Gay Town," as Carrie put it in an episode of Sex and the City, or asexuality getting outright ignored by pop culture.

With a few exceptions, including Todd from BoJack Horseman. Love you, Todd from BoJack Horseman. 

With a few exceptions, including Todd from BoJack Horseman. Love you, Todd from BoJack Horseman.


Or perhaps you dread putting on a movie and discovering a one-dimensional Gay Best Friend™ whose only narrative purpose is to provide sassy commentary and emotional support for the straight main characters.

  Disney / Via
Disney / Via

And then there's the whole "where are the LGBTQ+ stories with happy endings, or if not a happy ending, at least not an extremely tragic one?" thing.

Clarke and Lexa in The 100
CW Network / Courtesy Everett Collection

Obviously, a trope is only as powerful (or powerless) as the storyteller using it, but there are some tropes out there that have had it too good for too long. Tell us which ones you'd like to see retired (or given a nice long break) in the comments or on this anonymous form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.

Looking for more ways to get involved? Check out all of BuzzFeed's posts celebrating Pride 2022.

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Kevin Valente / BuzzFeed