Penny Pinchers, Tell Me Your Secrets For Taking A Fun, Affordable Vacation!!!

Have you planned a fun, amazing vacation at a low price point recently? If so, we really want to hear how you pulled it off!

HBO Max / Giphy / Via

"Vacation" can mean anything — day trips, short weekend getaways, weeks-long road trips, staycations, and more!

Do you know of any secret deals? Specific cheap locations? Low off-season prices?

Viacom Media Networks / Giphy / Via

We want to answer the question: "How do you take an awesome vacation on a low budget during a time of high inflation?"

And the vacation can be anywhere. Domestic! International! The seven seas! No matter where or how you've pinched your pennies, I want to hear about it.

Hallmark Channel / Giphy / Via

So share your tips and tricks for taking the ultimate getaway without totally breaking the bank. Drop your knowledge in the comments (or submit anonymously through this form) for a chance to have your secrets featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!