What's The Shadiest Thing You've Ever Caught A Coworker Doing?

When you work in close quarters with people, you're bound to see something that maybe you shouldn't have.

Comedy Central / Via media.giphy.com

Perhaps you once walked into the supply closet at the office and accidentally caught two of your coworkers hooking up next to the Post-it Notes.

NBC / Via media.giphy.com

Maybe you were about to start your shift at the coffee shop and caught the other barista using the whipped cream canister to shoot whipped cream directly into their mouth.

NBC / Via media.giphy.com

Or maybe you were in a Zoom meeting and realized one of your coworkers forgot to mute their mic, but not until after you heard them start telling their roommate about their juicy affair with the boss.

Comedy Central / Via media.giphy.com

What's the wildest or shadiest thing you've ever caught a coworker doing? Share your story in the comments! If you wish to remain anonymous, you can use this form. The best submissions will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.