We Want To Hear About The Saddest Moments From TV Series Finales

If you invest multiple hours in watching a TV show's cast of characters grow, fall in love, escort immune teenagers across a fungal hellscape that used to be the United States — whatever it is you like to watch on TV, that is — odds are that you care enough about them to hope that it all works out in the end. But sometimes, in Hollywood as well as in life, it doesn't. So I want to hear from you: which moments or plot resolutions from TV show finales strike you as particularly tragic?

I don't necessarily mean it disappointed you as a fan; this is about story, not quality. One example that comes to mind for me is the final episode of Orange is the New Black, which ended on a hopeful note for some characters and an utterly devastating one for others, such as Karla, who was on her way back to America and her children after being deported. When she injured her ankle, she was left behind in the desert, a chilling conclusion to her story.


Or maybe your heart was ripped out and stomped on by the last conversation shared between BoJack and Diane in BoJack Horseman.

Bojack saying, hey wouldn't it be funny if this night was the last time we ever talked to each other

Whether it's a character death, a break-up, a betrayal, or simply a single melancholy line of dialogue, we want to hear about the scenes from TV finales that brought a tear to your eye. Comment the show and the moment below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.