Tell Us The Most Unprofessional Way/Reason You Were Ever Fired

Getting fired is never fun, even if it's from a job you hate.


It's very stressful to lose your source of income — and even if it's for an internship or volunteer position, it's definitely a blow to your confidence.


Well, we want to hear your worst "getting fired" stories. And no, we're not talking about the ones where you did something dumb and look back and go, "okay, I probably deserved that."

The CW

We're talking about the times you got fired for stupid reasons, or in really unprofessional ways.


Maybe your boss fired you through a 6 a.m. text while you were on your way to work.


Maybe your boss just stopped putting you on the schedule and started ignoring your calls — AKA, they ghosted you.


Maybe it was what you got fired for that made the firing messed up — like, maybe you were a personal assistant and you got your boss Coke instead of Diet Coke.

20th Century Fox

Now it's your turn — what's your worst getting-fired story from a toxic job/boss? Let us know in the comments below, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

If you want to submit an anonymous answer, you can do so here!