Tell Us The Most Paranormal Experience You've Had At Home

Have you ever moved into a new house only to find out that it's quite literally haunted???

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If so, we wanna hear about your in-house paranormal experiences.

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Maybe you moved into a beautiful old Victorian-era house, but soon enough, your young daughter started talking to "a little girl in a white dress," and you didn't believe it, until one night you saw the girl standing over her bed.

A ghost standing over a kid's bed
Cavan Images / Getty Images/Cavan Images RF

Or perhaps you bought a house before finding out a gruesome murder happened there, and you even discovered a stain from where the body was found.

Or maaaaaybe you started getting such creepy vibes from your new place that you enlisted the help of a medium, and they said it was haunted by a man from the '40s, who smoked cigars.........and that explained why one corner in your house always smelled of cigar smoke.


So if you've ever experienced some paranormal and/or just plain chilling in your house, please tell us your story in the comments below or in this anonymous Google Form. Your response just might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!