Tell Us The Most Embarrassing New Year's Eve Story You've Ever Experienced

Goodbye, 2021! Hello to the suuuuuuuuper questionable life decisions you're likely to make when December 31 rolls around.

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If there were a national holiday specifically for less-than-stellar choices, it'd be New Year's Eve. So, if you've ever suffered an embarrassment hangover (IYKYK), we want to hear from you: When did your New Year's festivities turn entirely awkward, embarrassing, absolutely hilarious...or all of the above?

Maybe the midnight kiss you were banking on was actually banking on someone else entirely. (Cue "Dancing On My Own" by Robyn.)

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Perhaps you graciously opened up your home to some party guests who were, ultimately, not all that gracious back.

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Or, maybe your good ol' family members acted like absolute children (or, depending on your POV, just as expected).

No matter how your NYE celebrations went completely off the rails, we wanna hear your stories. Drop them in the comments below, and your response just might appear in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post. If you'd rather stay anonymous, all good — just fill out this anonymous form.

Happy New Year, folks. Make good choices! 🎉