Tell Us About The Moment You Realized You Had To Quit Your Job (And How Your Boss Reacted When You Did)

Let's be honest: Having a toxic job can negatively affect your mental health in really damaging ways — and if some people have the privilege to, they might throw caution to the wind and quit.

AMC / Via Giphy

*Cue really dramatic but cool music as you walk away from your job.*

And since there are thousands of reasons why someone might decide to resign from their position, we would love to know: What was the moment that made you realize you had to quit your job?

CBS / Via Giphy

Maybe you were a server at a restaurant and a customer threw their margarita at you because their food wasn't coming out fast enough.

Perhaps your boss was gaslighting you about so many things that you had to give an incredibly short notice and GTFO.

NBC / Via Giphy

Or maybe you were working at your dream job when you realized the industry was beyond toxic and it was causing you to have the worst work dreams of your life.

Also, aside from the incident, how did you feel in that moment when you realized it was time to say goodbye? Did you try to work things out with your employer or fix things on your own?

And how did you feel and what happened when you finally quit? Did your boss understand or did they throw a fit and try to stop you from leaving?

In the comments below, tell us the time you knew you had to quit your job ASAP. And while this is 100% a safe space, you can use this Google Form if you want to remain anonymous.

Comedy Central / Via Giphy

Some responses will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.