People Who Work In Customer Service — Tell Us The Dumbest Thing A Customer Has Ever Asked You For

People with jobs that involve working first-hand with customers — this one's for you. First of all, I am absolutely awestruck by how much patience y'all have. You truly do not get paid enough for what you go through on the daily.

closeup of a woman exasperated
closeup of a woman exasperated


So I've gotta ask — have you ever had a customer that's asked you, wholeheartedly, for something (or to do something) absolutely mind-boggling and stupid?

guy looking confused

For example, I recently stumbled upon a Reddit post where a photographer shared a text thread in which a past customer LITERALLY ASKED FOR A REFUND on her wedding photos because...she got divorced. The audacity!!!!! Why would you even think about asking for that??

message to get a refund after the divorce
u/WealthyBigPenis22 / Reddit / Via

Perhaps you run a small business online and a self-proclaimed "influencer" tries to commission you for something but wants it 100% for free because their "exposure" is worth more than money...when in reality, they have fewer followers than you do.

woman saying, i'm a content creator
woman saying, i'm a content creator


Or maybe you work at the register and a customer is absolutely red-in-the-face angry that you won't honor their 20% off coupon even though you've told them about ten times now that the coupon is for a completely different store.

women in a work uniform looking confused

Whatever your story is, we wanna hear it! In the comments below or via this 100% anonymous form, tell us about the absolute dumbest thing a customer has ever asked of you. Who knows, it juuuust might end up in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!