I Want To Hear Your Cringiest Valentine's Day Stories

Valentine's Day is nearly upon us, so I'm asking the BuzzFeed Community to celebrate with me by answering this question: "What's your biggest Valentine's Day fail story?"

Maybe your partner spent the beginning of the year bragging about the amazing Valentine's Day gift they got you, so you decided to go all out and surprise them with food and gifts, only to watch them show up to your date empty-handed, gladly taking their gifts but swearing they never promised you anything?

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Or maybe you'd been secretly dating someone for a while, and for Valentine's Day, they decided to surprise you with a box of chocolates that spelled out "LET'S BREAK UP"

NBC / Via media.giphy.com

Maybe you made the crucial mistake of using Valentine's Day as an opportunity for a first date, and when you went home with the guy after dinner, you found out that he still lived with his ex?

NBC / Via media.giphy.com

Maybe you went out to dinner with your long-term partner, only to have him dump you between drinks and dinner, and the waitress had to awkwardly box up your pasta to go while you were crying at the table.

Netflix / Via media.giphy.com

Or maybe you and your boyfriend tried to get ~spicy~ for Valentine's Day, but he had an allergic reaction to the new lube you bought, and you had to spend the entire night in the ER?

NBC / Via media.giphy.com

These aren't hypotheticals, BTW; They're all real stories sent in last year from Community members. Check them out if you're feeling brave.

Whatever it is, I want to hear about it. Tell me about your cringiest Valentine's Day experience in the comments below, or, if you prefer to share anonymously, fill out this anonymous Google form. You could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.