Tell Us Your Controversial Cooking Opinions That "Foodies" Would Proooobably Look Down On

No one (let me repeat: NO ONE!) is a perfect cook. We all have our own unique ways of approaching the meals we cook and the foods we eat...but there are definitely some cooking opinions that "foodies" in particular feel very strongly about. Whether or not you agree with them? Well, that's what we're here to discuss. 😏

Gordon Ramsay cooking scrambled eggs with caption: "Never whisk the egg. Whisk it in the pan. When you whisk beforehand, you're breaking it all down."
The Daily / Via

I want to hear alllll about the cooking opinions or methods you swear by, even if they're downright unpopular. Tell me about the ingredients you keep stocked in your kitchen that always make food taste better — even if chefs and foodies wouldn't approve. Or, maybe you have a food combo that makes your tastebuds sing, though most would likely find it odd. Whatever it is, let's hear it.

Breaking dried spaghetti in half
Tenkende / Getty Images/iStockphoto

For example: In a world of putting the most over-the-top ingredients ever on a good ol' grilled cheese (truffled grilled cheese with pork belly and onion jam, anyone?), maybe you know that the best possible version is the one with a rubbery, orange Kraft single sandwiched in the middle.

Grilled cheese with gooey orange American cheese in the middle
Getty Images

Or, maybe you just can't be bothered to wash your rice before cooking it. Yeah, everyone says you should be doing it, but TBH...your rice has always come out just fine. 🤷

Washing rice in the sink
Yuuji / Getty Images/iStockphoto

And just to keep things interesting, here's one that I personally feel very strongly about: Just about everyone loooooves to talk about how "homemade stock is so much better," but truth be told, I don't even buy store-bought stock (or broth). I keep Better Than Bouillon concentrate in the fridge at all times, and let me tell ya, it's SO much better (and cheaper!).

Author holding a jar of Better Than Bouillon stock with annotation "store-bought stock could NEVER top this."
Ross Yoder

Whatever your controversial food opinions are...tell me, tell me, tell me! Your response might get shared in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.

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