We Want To Know The Wildest Thing You've Ever Experienced While Babysitting

Babysitting is a common job for people of all ages, but make no mistake, it is NO easy feat.

NBC / Via media.giphy.com

With their parents out of the picture, kids are bound to behave a little differently. Sometimes, things can spiral into chaos veryyy quickly.

NBC / Via media.giphy.com

Maybe you were watching a kid who got a little fussy. You gave them a snack to try and cheer them up, and in the midst of their tantrum, they decided to hurl their bowl of Goldfish at your head, sending crackers flying across the kitchen.

The CW / Via media.giphy.com

Perhaps you were watching a toddler who just happened to have a diaper explosion on your watch. You really didn't know how to handle the diarrhea diaper, and while you tried to change the kid and clean them up, a stream of poo dripped down onto the floor and your shoe.

Sky One / Via media.giphy.com

Or perhaps you were watching some rather devious siblings. You used the bathroom and were gone for a total of 30 seconds, but when you returned, the kids were trying to put their mom's makeup on their dog.

UKTV / Via media.giphy.com

What's the wildest thing you've ever dealt with while babysitting? Tell us aaalllll about it in the comments, or submit anonymously using this form. The best stories will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.