Tell Us: What Baby Gear Has Changed Your Life?


Baby gear is mysterious until you actually have your baby. Then you quickly figure out what works for you, and those are your lifesavers, no exaggeration. For instance, shortly before I returned to work, I went through four different bottles with my firstborn until we found the one she would take and drink from without choking. After my panic watching her reject one after another, seeing her accept one brought pure relief, both for her and for me! From then on I would tell other moms, “I love this bottle!” They would be just as evangelical about their own.

Other gear that inspires passion: A stroller that’s comfy for your baby and that you can fold up with one hand. A wearable baby carrier you can have on for hours with no strain on your back. And, of course, any freakin’ thing that gets your baby to sleep, whether that’s the right bassinet or an easy pacifier or the perfect swaddle blanket.

If there’s something you swear by, we want to know about it!

And we totally get that it’s not like you try everything on the market. You get a baby gate and it either works, or you buy another until you find one that works, and then you stop. So we’re not asking you to swear that your choices are the best out there. But just knowing that your gear works for you is great. That’s called word-of-mouth, amiright? So let's help out the pregnant couples and new parents by telling them what stuff works IRL. If you love it, don't keep it a secret!

Fill out this quick survey and remember you can skip any categories or do write-in votes too. We’ve included some fun questions, like whether you ever found something great for your baby on Instagram. We'll use your intel to present the best strollers, convertible car seats, and more in the February 2021 issue of Parents magazine.

And if you love to talk about baby gear all day we invite you to give us your name and email. We just might reach out and chat. Totally not necessary though. We aren’t stalkers, promise! You can also choose to stay anonymous.

Here's the survey, again:

Pass it to another a new-mom friend, too, and get good karma!

Curious about what's won in past years? Maybe you're due in a few weeks and you're like, "Wait a second, I can't wait for your issue, I have to fill out this registry list now!" You can check out the 2020 Parents Best for Baby Awards to see the current popular products.