What Is Telemedicine, Exactly?

What Is Telemedicine, Exactly? Medical practitioners are turning to telemedicine to provide services for patients while maintaining social distancing. According to the National Institutes of Health, telemedicine (or telehealth), is the use of technology to provide and support healthcare at a distance. It can involve doctors talking to each other on the phone to coordinate a patient's care or using robotic tech to perform surgery remotely. Telemedicine can also be used to remotely monitor a patient's blood pressure or heart rate. Telemedicine may be used for getting a diagnosis or prescription for a minor problem when you don't have time or the ability to seek care at an office. Some physical therapy clinics offer virtual follow-up sessions so they can coach you through exercises after they've assessed your injury. But if you're having more severe symptoms like trouble breathing or unexplained swelling, it's probably better to see your doctor in person.