Teenager Doesn't Have Enough Speed To Ski Jump Across Road

Including a clip of a professional skier throwing a massive trick over a road is guaranteed to move the needle every time it's featured in a ski movie. It's a fact.

With that said, the teenager in the video below should have listened to the age old disclaimer- 'Don't Try This At Home!'. Check out his road jump fail below:

Caption by @davevogelsberg:

"anyone able to babysit my 16 yr old and his friends? apparently they can't be left alone without adult supervision..."

Oof. My face hurts after watching that through my computer screen. Here's hoping he didn't lose any chiclet.

You know what. I have to take a second to go on a bit of rant.

This video right here is exactly why my childhood ski buddies made fun of me for being a "wimp". While they were off breaking their ankles like Tanner Hall, I focused on skiing the best I could with my skis, you know, actually skiing on the snow.

I didn't want to get hurt, and I had to suffer endless heckling from my more daring friends. Oh well. I turned out (somewhat) okay.

I'm still not a fan of my skis leaving the ground. Just ask my coworker Cy Whitling. He was gracious enough to show me a line at Grand Targhee earlier this season that involved as little airtime as possible.

I still skied the same terrain above and below the cliff section. I just wanted my 215-pound washed-up former soccer player body to fly through the air as little as possible.

All of this is to say that I can guarantee you'll never see me in a video where I face plant after jumping across road. You can take that to the m'f'ing bank.

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