Ted Cruz Got Heckled Out of a D.C. Restaurant for Supporting Brett Kavanaugh

Watch the senator hear from people who do believe Kavanaugh's accusers.

Homeland Security secretary Kristjen Nielsen made a mistake when she went to a Mexican restaurant as most of the country was furious that her agency was putting children in cages. Though, to be fair, putting the kids in cages in the first place was the bigger mistake. Either way, showing her face in public was a bad call, and protesters made sure she knew that.

Ted Cruz should have learned from Nielsen's mistake. On Monday night, Cruz was chased out of a D.C. restaurant by a crowd protesting the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. Cruz is on the Senate Judiciary Committee, the body that's currently trying to ram through Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court despite his tremendous unpopularity and multiple allegations of sexual assault. So, protesters let Cruz know how they felt, crowding the restaurant and chanting "We believe survivors." One hero even weighs in Cruz's race against Beto O'Rourke.

Public shaming and protest are great ways for everyday Americans to show politicians, especially unelected ones like Nielsen, that they're pissed off with how they're running things. But that may be less effective on someone like Cruz who's biologically incapable of feeling shame. But if you're a smug nightmare of a person whose entire brand is based on being an asshole and relishing it, you should be forced to be uncomfortable in public sometimes. Or at least get delivery.