Teachers Are Revealing The Worst Things That Students Have Done To Them And I Am Wondering How Some Of These Are Even Legal

I stumbled upon a question from Reddit user u/TheRealZFinch asking teachers of Reddit about the worst things students have done to them.


Brace yourself — some of these stories get really wild.

1.Physical Assault

Gracie Films / Via tenor.com

"I had a parent push me, spit on me, and slap me when she came to my classroom unannounced because I had given her daughter detention for spitting in my face. The parent denied it; the school did nothing. Don't teach anymore! I'm in Australia FYI." —u/Apprehensive-Ad4244



"A friend of mine is a teacher in a rough neighborhood. One day immediately after school she got a call from the principal telling her to stay in her classroom with the door locked instead of leaving like she normally did.

The police arrested one of her students, who had bragged to another student about kidnapping the teacher. He was arrested, waiting by her car with a knife and zip ties." —u/SoulessDad

3.Sexual Assault

Comedy Central / Via tenor.com

"I was slammed against a wall by a 17-year-old kid who then wiped his hands all over my face and kissed me. One other student saw, and she laughed. I left the position immediately. It was a private drama school." —u/Ieatclowns

4.Wishing sickness on an unborn child

ABC / CBS / Via tenor.com

"I had a student wish cancer on my unborn son." —u/mywifemademegetthis


Dos Equis / Via tenor.com

"I taught toddlers, and they consistently wanted to sit in my lap. I had a few girls climb up in my lap, smile sweetly, and pee all over me. It's amazing how a 5-gallon bladder fits in a pint-sized bod." —u/schnozzberryflop



"A colleague was stalked by a kid. Found out where she lived, where she shopped, what her routine was. Used to get her friends to stand outside her house and harass her outside Tesco. She would make comments in class, such as 'Aren't green curtains nice?' — knowing the teacher had green curtains, for example. It got so bad she got the police involved and ended up moving house." —u/Evening_Rose_619

7.Having a chair thrown at you

NBC / Via tenor.com

"When I was eight months pregnant with my second child, a 10-year-old male student threw a desk at my stomach. I immediately used the call button to call the front office and ask for an administrator. The administrator came to the classroom. I was crying hysterically because I was hurt, worried about the baby, and embarrassed. The administrator stood in the room, turned to me, and told me it was not OK to cry in front of the students, and asked what I did to make the student so upset. I found a new school at the end of that school year. And the baby was OK. She’s now a thriving 6-year-old." —u/Particular_Mistake_2

8.Spreading rumors

Tenor / Via tenor.com

"A student implied that I had a relationship with him à la Dawson’s Creek. In the yearbook. Permanently printed. I was horrified and SO angry with the yearbook advisor for allowing it." —u/amosc33

9.Smashed a water bottle on a teacher's head


"Had a kid smash me in the back of the head with a full water bottle... Was suspended for three days. Parents didn't see a problem since he told them he apologized... He didn't." —u/Altruistic-Paper-782

10.Wishing bad things happened to you

Netflix / Via tenor.com

"One of my kids told me: 'One day, you're going to fall in love with a man. And he's gonna love you and be your world. And then he's gonna break up with you, and THEN YOU won't BE SO POSITIVE.' He is 8." —u/sendmeotterpicsplz

11.Threatening to choke themself

Nickelodeon / Via tenor.com

"He said he’d kill himself and then started choking himself. He then said he’d eat a coin to 'choke,' and when I took away his wallet he said he’d tell his parents I had stolen from him so they’d fire me. He was an extremely challenging boy." —u/ccbabs7

12.Throwing trash


"I was a student, but the worst I saw was some kid who got kicked out of class for being disrespectful to come back to throw one of those big trash drums at a teacher. Full of trash. In front of everyone. She cried." —u/AVPLive9

13.Shot by a laser

Tenor / Via tenor.com

"I got shot in the eye with a laser by a kid. He fully knew that lasers can cause blindness. I had effectively no vision in that eye for a month, and it’s still not quite right after a year." —u/Adonis0

14.Threatened to sue

FX / Via tenor.com

"I got threatened to be taken to court by a kid's father 'cause the kid was rude to another counselor and I asked him to apologize for his actions. He apologized, and I brought the situation to his father's knowledge." —u/JellySlayer7


Warner Bros.

"Most of my kids are great, but one bit my hand for using his pencil to show him how to do a problem." —u/HowardRoarkeRoborn

16.Stealing license plates

Tenor / Via tenor.com

"I went out to my car after a long day to discover that my license plates had been stolen." —u/Anonymike7