Taylor Swift Even Managed to Sneak Easter Eggs Into a Capital One Commercial

Twitter is having a field day right now.

Nobody loves a hidden message quite like Taylor Swift. Need proof? Just look at the detective work done by Swifties on her whole body of work: They go over her singles, albums, videos, magazine covers, and Instagram captions with a fine-tooth comb for fan theory-yielding easter eggs. And now, apparently, even Capital One commercials aren't immune.

Let's dig into the history of Swift's hidden messages for a second. She's long loved to sneak easter eggs in her songs and art. A prime example of this? Her video for her single "Me!" In April, Swift released the video for her collaboration with Panic! at the Disco's Brendon Urie. In it, she planted possible clues about everything from upcoming song titles to a comment on her relationship with Joe Alwyn.

“I love that they like the cryptic hint-dropping," Swift told Entertainment Weekly in May about her fanbase's obsession with finding every detail in her work. "Because as long as they like it, I’ll keep doing it. It’s fun. It feels mischievous and playful.”

She's kept her word: On Friday, Capital One dropped a new commercial for its Savor card. In the 30-second spot, Swift stars as both herself and in various restaurant staff roles, from a diner waitress to a bartender. Along the way, she shared plenty of secret messages, all of which were quickly discovered and shared by her fans on social media.

Needless to say, Twitter was delighted—and fans quickly launched their investigations.

There are fours and Katy Perry references everywhere.

Fans quickly noticed and speculated about the fact that Swift was serving up burgers and fries—and the constant use of the number four in the commercial. The general opinion? Swifties think a collab with Perry is on the way.

"There were many 4's everywhere, beside Burgers and fries there was a 4, and Burgers and Fries means Katy and Taytay, 4 is beside it and it might mean that Katy and Taylor's collab is track 4," Twitter user @MelCardines tweeted.

While serving customers Swift hands over a check that reads $13.13 +$13.13 = 19.89. While that is some seriously questionable math, it's at least a great homage to her favorite lucky number and her birth year.

There's a cat doodle.

On the bottom of that check, Swift not only signed it with her real signature, but she also added in a cute little doodle of a cat. This one is less of a hidden message and more of a blatant show of affection for her favorite animal: cats.

The names "Sandy" and "Jay" come up.

During the diner scene, Swift serves up a delicious-looking milkshake in front of a sign that reads "Sandy Jay's." At surface level, that clearly means the diner is named Sandy Jay's. However, in the Swift universe fans know it must mean something different.

Needless to say, fans were not surprised she'd stacked the commercial with references.

As to what some of the more mysterious easter eggs might mean? We'll simply have to wait for Swift to reveal it in her next creation.

Originally Appeared on Glamour