The Taylor Swift Drama, Explained by the Solar Eclipse

Photo credit: Getty/John Francis
Photo credit: Getty/John Francis

From Cosmopolitan

For those who don’t know all the recent drama: In a Tumblr post, Taylor Swift explained that all the music from her first six albums was acquired by (alleged) bully of the week, Scooter Braun, and she’s pissed about it. This tea has been scorching as is, but it’s even more fascinating from an astrological perspective. Shall we?

This month’s astrology is a roller coaster, so it’s easy to see why it’d be hitting Taylor super hard already. And the beginning of the solar eclipse on July 2nd is making a major impact in the Sagittarius queen’s birth chart! A solar eclipse is just like a New Moon but on steroids, representing new beginnings and fresh starts. It forcefully pushes you toward growth and necessary change, whether you’re ready or not. It also often coincides with a piece of information, juicy goss, or an event that’s totally out of your control and can seriously change your perspective on life, which is exactly what happened to Taylor.

Eclipses skew your POV by fitting tons of conflict into a short window of time that pushes you to make big choices, and you have to strike while the iron is hot. Aka there’s no doubt that Taylor is going to have some hard, fast decisions coming from this drama. Taylor is a Sagittarius with a Cancer Moon and a Capricorn rising, which means the eclipse this month is super significant for her. Basically, this means her emotions and inner side (the Moon in astrology) and her self-image and self-expression (the rising sign) are going to be shaken TF up this month. It’s especially impactful because the exact degree of the eclipse is close to the degree of Taylor’s Moon sign, and it’s almost exactly opposite the degree of Taylor’s rising sign, which means that two of the most sensitive points in Taylor’s birth chart are getting a HEAVY dose of eclipse energy.

On top of the eclipse’s impact in Taylor’s birth chart, if you look at the compatibility between Taylor’s chart and Scooter’s, it’s clearly written in the stars that the two are not meant to be buddy-buddy with each other. Scooter is a Gemini, which is the sister sign of Taylor’s Sagittarius Sun—meaning that the cores of their personalities are locked in an imbalanced struggle because they’re complete opposites. Not only that, but Scoot’s Moon is in Capricorn, the sister sign of Taylor’s Cancer Moon, meaning the same is true when it comes to their emotional sides and how they express their feelings. It’s no wonder, then, that this issue has caused such a polarized reaction from other celebrities, like iconic Libra Halsey sticking up for her good sis Taylor or Justin Bieber standing with Scooter (and delivering the shadiest backhanded apology to Taylor, which is a total Pisces move).

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

Looking ahead, this month is not going to be easy for Taylor, but it’s not totally hopeless! Mercury Retrograde starts out in the sector of Taylor’s chart having to do with “other people’s money,” aka the 8th House. The 8th House is all about bills, taxes, and shared assets, so it makes sense that she’s getting back in touch and reconnecting with her old record label. Mercury Retrograde flies into her chart’s zone of relationships and business partners, the 7th House, just three days after the lunar eclipse on the 16th, where it remains for the rest of the retrograde. A big theme of Mercury Retrograde can be renegotiating old contracts and revisiting important conversations and choices from the past. I’m not saying Taylor is going to be able to salvage the rights to her music, but the silver lining here is she’s getting her side of the story out there and letting the world know how she’s been wronged.

Eclipses are always a big deal, but there’s no reason to freak out unless you’re one of the few people where it hits your personal birth chart hard like T-Swift here. The way the cards have fallen so far, it looks like she was totally blindsided, and the eclipse is shedding light on the situation for her. Luckily, all month long, the 11th House of Taylor’s chart, aka the zone of friendships and community, is being activated by these transits. That means at the very least, Taylor will definitely learn who her true friends are in the industry and grow closer to the people in her squad. July may be the messiest month of 2019, from an astrological perspective at least, and I’m personally excited to see how this whole story unfolds, but I hope this month’s crazy astro leads to a happy resolution to all this drama! P.S. Taylor, if you’re looking for a personal astrologer to help you through this trying time, my DMs are open. 😉

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