Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope for March

Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope for MarchHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal

  • March 7: Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn enters Pisces

  • March 16: Venus enters Taurus

  • March 20: Aries season begins

  • March 21: New Moon in Aries

  • March 23: Pluto enters Aquarius

  • March 25: Mars enters Cancer

The vibes are inspiring during Pisces season, Taurus! You’re feeling more social and connecting with your community. The month starts off with a major breakthrough on March 1 when Venus and Jupiter meet in Aries. Your intuition is heightened today–listen to it. Mercury enters Pisces on March 2, making you feel like you’re in high demand, and you are! Socializing with friends and focusing on your goals are top priority. Networking with others now can lead to some promising connections for the future.

The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7 has you interested in celebrating your recent accomplishments. Today’s energy is indulgent. Be wary of swiping your credit card one too many times, but do allow yourself to invite more play and fun into your life. If you’re dating, you may decide to take your union to the next level or call it quits altogether. Creative projects can also reach a moment of fulfillment. On the same day, Saturn enters Pisces, a sign Saturn hasn’t ventured into since 1996! Saturn’s discerning eye is looking at your surrounding network of colleagues, friends, and community. You may be asked to cut ties with some who don’t have your genuine best interest at heart.

Here comes good luck! Venus enters Taurus on March 16 and your charm reaches new heights. It can feel like you’re a magnet for your desires—and you are, so make the most of this transit! People are fawning over you, too, so if you’re single and ready to mingle, put yourself out there. Mercury enters Aries on March 18 and you’re re-establishing a relationship with your inner voice.

The Spring Equinox brings a reset and the Sun enters Aries on March 20—here comes Aries season and the astrological new year! As the Sun travels through Aries, you’re remembering that slowing down is actually productive. Rest and solitude can lead to massive breakthroughs before Taurus season begins next month.

The New Moon in Aries on March 21 asks you to reconsider your work-life balance. If you’ve been overdoing it in every area of your life, it’s all coming to head! Remember that saying no is a complete sentence, and enforce boundaries around your time and energy. You’re about to turn heads on March 23 when Pluto enters Aquarius. Pluto has never graced this part of your chart in your lifetime, and it illuminates the area related to your public reputation and career. Power struggles at work may begin to surface, but on the flip side, incredibly important people who hold massive influence may enter your life, too. Pluto’s journey is long—nearly 20 years—so the full effects will take time to reveal themselves. Under this planetary shift, you may decide you want to change careers or adjust your long-term goals. Your priorities are shifting!

Mars enters Cancer on March 25, and you finally get some financial relief. Mars has been in Gemini since August 2022 thanks to a lengthy retrograde period. Now, Mars is tasking you with putting energy into learning a new skill or airing any grievances that you’ve been keeping close to your chest. Express yourself, and relief will come. The month ends with you possibly making a shocking announcement on March 30 when Venus and Uranus meet in your sign. This is giving makeover vibes, or it could coincide with a big reveal. Attention is headed your way, and you are worthy of it!

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