Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

Your Key Dates:

May 4: Buy yourself the most beautiful bouquet you can find-you deserve it

May 18: Shine a bright light on the truth of your bonds

May 21: Take charge of your bank account

I’m not playing favorites here, Taurus. These are straight facts: It’s your birthday season, thus, you’re going to be most impacted by May’s celestial motion. As the radiant Sun returns to the exact position it occupied at your moment of birth, you feel inspired, renewed, and extra fabulous. This energy is dialed up even more when the Moon joins the Sun on May 4, forming an enchanted new Moon in your own sign. This lunation triggers an emotional awakening and now, both you and the flowers are in bloom. On this day, so something special that celebrates your unique vitality!

Photo credit: giphy
Photo credit: giphy

May 15 is an extremely lucky day for you, Taurus love. Just before dawn, Venus also cruises into Taurus’ sky. What makes this extra special is that Taurus is governed by Venus, meaning that it’s a cosmic homecoming for this romantic planet. With Venus exuding powerful vibrations, don’t be surprised if love falls directly on your lap. Coupled Tauruses will experience rekindled passion, while single celestial bulls will enjoy some revved-up flirting and (maybe!) some talks about commitment. You don’t want to DTR too early, but trust that under this sky, bonds will be built to last.

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Photo credit: .

Likewise, brace yourself for drama on May 18, when the full Moon in Scorpio (your opposite sign) shines a bright light on relationships. If you’ve been patiently waiting for your late-night booty call to miraculously transform into a reliable partner, you may receive some vital information that inspires you to cut the cord. Remember, werewolves don’t just occur during a full Moon; they’re there all along. Under the vivid Moonlight, we are able to see them more clearly.

On May 21, the Sun moves into Gemini, activating the area of your chart associated with personal finances-and it's about damn time! After an extremely indulgent birthday season, Gemini season offers an opportunity to cultivate new monetary goals. I mean, let’s be honest: You love money! And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! So, if your wallet is mostly storing dust and cobwebs, use the next few weeks to save, budget, and strategize. While money will always ebb and flow, your bullish inner steadiness is the root of long-term happiness.

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