I Was A Tattoo Apprentice For A Day, And Here Are All The Do's, Don't's, And Random Tidbits I Learned

Hi, I'm Syd! As you could probably conclude, I'm a writer here at BuzzFeed. HOWEVER, when I'm not hunched over my computer screen scouring Reddit for all the good things that happened that week or the hottest take from Hooters employees, I dream of being a tattoo artist.

I've always been fascinated by the world of tattooing — the traditions, the different styles, the simultaneous appreciation and reinvention of the old — and so I got inspired to start drawing tattoo designs during the height of the pandemic.

Since falling more and more in love with art and design, all that's been on my mind has been getting behind a tattoo machine. Needless to say, when High Hopes Tattoo Shop said they'd let me apprentice for a day — and even let me do one of my own designs!!! — I IMMEDIATELY said yes!!!!!!!!

When the morning came, I hightailed my tush to Brooklyn. I was so excited to learn to tattoo and to get to do so in a kind, inclusive environment.

E! / giphy.com

Please also note that I do not claim to be a professional tattooer. I was under strict supervision and followed all safety and sanitation protocols while in the studio. Do not try this stuff if you do not have a full understanding of these protocols.

Once I arrived, I was quickly thrown into my "apprenticeship," where I got to talk to and learn from several artists: Ilia, ET, and Szabla. For your reading pleasure, here's everything they taught me during my experience (which is one I wish I could relive 10 times over!!!):

1.First off, the amount of times you need to "re-glove" before, during, and after tattooing is EXHAUSTING (crucial, yet exhausting).

I think I had to re-glove upwards of 20 times in the 2 hours that I was tattooing. Every time you touch anything that MAY be contaminated — surfaces, clothing, anything — you need to re-glove.It's important to note that tattoo artists learn all this stuff in a 3-hour long infection control course for estheticians that ends in a written exam and, of course, a license to practice.I was told re-gloving and all the other procedures become second nature once you've been doing it long enough, but for me, I was like a lost, frustrated puppy.

2.NEVER touch your cellphone while tattooing unless you've wrapped it in a clear bag or something.

A photo showing where to never put your cellphone while tattooing.

They're the germy-est things maybe ever, so I feel like this makes sense given all the disinfecting protocols. RE-GLOVE!


3.Once you get behind a machine, you have to practice tattooing on fake skin, or sometimes even pig skin.

Fake skin to practice tattooing on.

We stuck with fake skin, which is basically just sheets of silicone. Some people also practice on citrus because of how pore-like the peel is, but practicing on pig skin, no matter how gross it may be, is obviously gonna be the most similar to human skin.


4.You can't tattoo over birthmarks, moles, or any other skin condition.

Arrow pointing to a mole on someone's clavicle

They often affect the texture of the skin, and more importantly, tattooing over them will keep you from being able to tell if they grow, become cancerous, etc.

Getty Images

5.The most common tattoo requests they get are butterflies and roses.

Tattoos of butterflies on a woman's shoulder.

Shocking, I know!!!

Laura Corchia / Getty Images/EyeEm, Perahke / Getty Images

6.Unsurprisingly, you should never get tattooed while you're drunk or hungover.

E! / instagram.com

Doing so 1.) is not a good look, and 2.) will make you bleed more.

You should also make sure to eat and be well-rested and hydrated before getting tattooed as it's very draining on the body.

7.Color theory in tattooing is an art in and of itself.

8.Promoting yourself on social media is an overlooked part of the job.

E! / giphy.com

These days, tattooers' portfolios are essentially just their Instagrams. It's not just word of mouth anymore because a lot of clients find you online. For a lot of artists, it's a necessary evil.

"We have to know how to make Reels, and we spend more time making posts," Szabla said. "I like to finish work when I finish my tattoos, but sometimes, I have to spend another two hours on social media to promote it."

9.There are a bunch of types of tattoo machines, with the two most popular being coil and rotary.

A coil and rotary tattoo machine

10.There are lots of different kinds of needles, with them either being for outlining or shading.

Various tattoo needles

11.Apprentices usually spend months working on their craft before ever getting behind a machine.

A tattoo apprentice drawing a tattoo

Obviously, we expedited my experience a lot so I could write this piece on it, but just know this is DEFINITELY not common practice.


12.A common exercise for apprentices is tracing their designs over and over again until they're perfect.

Syd Robinson with her tattoo design.

13.Every artist sets up their station with their own personal preferences, but across the board, setting up involves a lot of disinfecting, re-gloving (over and over again), and saran wrap.

Syd Robinson setting up her tattooing station.

14.There are certain tattooing necessities every table needs.

Arrows pointing out what every tattoo artist needs at their station

15.You have to wrap your machine — and its cord, if it has one — in plastic wrap and then apply a grip.

Syd Robinson applying a wrapping grip

Here I am (at a very flattering angle) applying the grip to the machine. The purpose of the grip is to make holding the machine more comfortable, and in turn, have it be easier to use.


16.You sometimes have to retrace your stencil with marker if it comes out too light.

Syd Robinson's stencil

17.The power you feel when first holding a tattoo machine is nothing short of EXHILARATING!!!!!!!

Syd Robinson holding a tattoo machine.

Once Ilia showed me how to turn on the machine, I was hit with a bolt of excitement. I JUST WANTED TO DO IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!


18.It takes a second to get used to the machine's vibrations, and it'll most likely throw you off.

Syd Robinson tattooing her stencil.

19.Technique is EVERYTHING, and there's a lot of it.

Syd Robinson tattooing.

20.You run out of ink quickly, and it pools up, so it can be hard to see what you're doing.

Syd Robinson's tattooed stencil.

21.Shading is a lot easier than line work (IMHO).

Stencil with shading and line work

22.Shading comes out SOOOOO MUCH lighter than you'd think it would.

Examples of shading in tattooing.

23.You have to be just as hygienic with cleaning up your station as you were setting it up.

A dirty tattoo station

Just as I finished up my tattoo, ET went ahead and smeared red ink all over my work station. Apparently, they did this to teach apprentices (me, in this case) about contamination...needless to say, multiple re-glovings occurred shortly thereafter.


24.And lastly, my biggest takeaway from this experience was witnessing firsthand how empowering tattooing is, and just how much care, artistry, and heart goes into it.

Syd Robinson holding up her tattoo

All in all, my day apprenticing at High Hopes was everything I'd hoped it'd be and so, SOOOO much more, and I couldn't be more grateful.

E! / giphy.com


Syd Robinson's tattoo

It's sitting on my desk while I write this post. I can't wait to frame it!!! 😌💕

And shoutout to ET for the Pollock-esque addition of red ink.
