Your Tarot Card Reading for April 2024 Predicts Major Changes for Each Zodiac Sign

Your Tarot Card Reading for April 2024  Predicts Major Changes for Each Zodiac Sign
Your Tarot Card Reading for April 2024 Predicts Major Changes for Each Zodiac Sign

Brace yourself for what could be the most difficult, chaotic, and healing month of the year. If you’re already at your wits end, your 2024 April Tarot card reading and horoscope for each zodiac sign will shed light on a deeper aspect of what you’re currently going through. Change is imminent and it all begins in April, so say your prayers and hold on tight, because the rollercoaster is about to begin.

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The astrology of April 2024 is gnarly, to say the least. First up is Mercury retrograde, which begins on April 1 and ends on April 25. This could easily confuse your inner compass, and with this retrograde taking place in feisty and argumentative Aries, it could reveal alarming levels of pride and ego. But wait, there’s more—we have a total solar eclipse in Aries taking place on April 8. Rising at the exact same degree as Chiron—the wounded healer—this eclipse will evoke changes that heal your core identity. For some of you—particularly Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn—these changes will be noticeably felt, impacting areas of your life that change the shape of it altogether. Last but not least, Mars—planet of conflict and drive—will join forces with Saturn—planet of discipline and restriction—in emotional and Pisces. This brings the two most devastating planets in astrology into alignment. This will force you to stop, take note of the damage, reconvene, and form a plan before getting back up again.

Your April 2024 Tarot Card Reading for Each Zodiac Sign

By the time April is over, you could be in the process of becoming a totally different person. And because there’s no way of knowing how everything look on the other side, your monthly Tarot horoscope will at least be one major clue. Here’s what the main theme of your April 2024 story is looking like, according to a Tarot card pull for your sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign:

Aries: Strength

Aries: Strength
Aries: Strength

This is your big moment, Aries. Now is your time to step up to the plate and become the hero of your own story. The Strength card symbolizes courage, compassion, and resilience, showing you that you have everything you need to overcome these obstacles. April will be a month that tests your limits and terrifies you to your core, but that’s only because you’re healing everything that has inhibited your sense of identity. What parts of yourself did you set aside in order to survive? It’s time to remember those parts of yourself; to remember the “strength” of who you were before the world forced you to forget.

Taurus: Justice

Taurus: Justice
Taurus: Justice

The Universe is bringing you to court this month, Taurus. And whether you’ll be victorious in front of the cosmic judge is still up for debate. The consequences of your actions are being scrutinized, and if you’ve been honoring a higher moral code, you’ll find yourself rewarded for it. If you’ve been wronged by someone (or something), this month will reveal the repercussions of their choices. Karma tastes sweet, and this month, you may be getting a belly full of it. However, let’s not forget that Justice goes both ways, and if you’ve been presenting yourself in a brighter light than what is true, that darkness will be made known.

Gemini: King of Swords

Gemini: King of Swords
Gemini: King of Swords

Although a Gemini is capable of bending the truth, it is their curiosity and unending search for the truth that comprises the core of who they are. And this month, you’re taking measures that allow you to be taught, mentored, and guided, namely by someone who is an expert in something you’re trying to learn more about. Clear away the emotions, the “what if’s”, and everything that clouds your logic, because you are here to accept truth in its most basic and indisputable form. If you never ask questions, how will you ever discover the answers? If you never shut up, how will you be able to listen?

Cancer: 6 of Pentacles

Cancer: 6 of Pentacles
Cancer: 6 of Pentacles

You’re coming into a new source of wealth and abundance, but in order to thank the Universe for all you’re being blessed with, you must be willing to share. By making offerings and donations, you’re multiplying and amplifying all that you’ll receive in return. By showing up and volunteering without expectations for recognition, you’re attracting the attention of those who admire your giving spirit and humility. In order for resources to flow in your direction, you must let the Universe know that wealth does not remain stagnant in your presence. You must become someone the Universe can entrust with positive energy; someone who’s willing to share it wildly.

Leo: 4 of Cups

Leo: 4 of Cups
Leo: 4 of Cups

Just because you have a lot of options doesn’t mean you need to act now. And currently, the Universe is blessing you with more choices than you know what to do with. Just because you’ve been taught to never reject an opportunity doesn’t mean you should take it. Sometimes, saying “No” can be just as life-changing and monumental as “Yes”. And if you’re feeling bored or uninspired by what you have going for you, it may be time to reconnect with the deeper and more meaningful things you’re trying to accomplish. If you don’t know what matters to you, how will you see opportunities that align with it?

Virgo: Queen of Wands

Virgo: Queen of Wands
Virgo: Queen of Wands

Your energy, courage, and behavior stands as a shining beacon of light this month, Virgo. The Queen of Wands is a leader; someone who sets an example for others and allows their passion to become infectious. Rather than allowing fear and bruised egos to inhibit your life-force, April calls on you to remember who the fuck you are. When you’re living the fullest expression of who you are and what excites you, it will naturally bring out the best in your teammates, allowing them to come to your aid. This month, you should do something bold and mildly terrifying every single day. The Universe will reward you for it.

Libra: Ace of Wands

Libra: Ace of Wands
Libra: Ace of Wands

This month, you’re bound to be all wrapped up in a new creative idea. The Ace of Wands is the spark that lights the fire of something new. This spark can sputter and extinguish before it has the chance to become a flame. It can also blow into a full blown blaze. And by nurturing that spark and coaxing it into its fullest expression, you can bring your boldest visions into reality. April is when Aries season unfolds, providing you with endless fuel to reignite your fire over and over again. If a powerful vision crosses your mind, bring it to life before someone else does! Ideas pass from one head to another unless you grab on tight.

Scorpio: The Devil

Scorpio: The Devil
Scorpio: The Devil

It’s time for you to lift up the rock and see what lives in the damp and shadowy world beneath it. In other words, it’s time to get to know your shadow self; to remember all the vices, desires, and dependencies that you’d rather avoid thinking about, because it obscures the clean image you’re trying to project. This month, you may be working on healing some of these habits, but you may also be coming to terms with the parts of yourself you’ve pretended do not exist. You’re not perfect, but there’s pride in embracing your authentic truth. Sometimes, self-acceptance is far more healing and inspiring than keeping up with the elusive goal of self-improvement.

Sagittarius: 2 of Swords

Sagittarius: 2 of Swords
Sagittarius: 2 of Swords

Just when you thought you were on the right path, you’ve reached another fork in the road. Life is filled with endless decisions, and the smallest ones can have the biggest impact. This April, you may be doing a lot of decision-making, so give yourself time to weigh your options. However, there’s something to be said about going with your gut instinct, especially if you’re already overthinking things. Eclipse season is underway, which means destiny is unfolding. You don’t need to worry about whether you’re making the right choice because you will be making the right choice. You already know what you’re going to do. All you have to do now is have the courage to actually do it.

Capricorn: The Emperor

Capricorn: The Emperor
Capricorn: The Emperor

You were born to lead others, Capricorn. And this month, you’re stepping into a new role of authority that may challenge your pre-existing relationships, especially if you’re advancing beyond their level. You’re learning how to enforce the rules effectively without losing your sense of rebellion. You’re learning how to lead others without losing your ability to be led. As you become a better authority figure, you will also need to heal your own relationship with authority. If you never take “No” for an answer, why should anyone listen when it’s yours? Remember—respect is earned, not something you are always owed.

Aquarius: 2 of Pentacles

Aquarius: 2 of Pentacles
Aquarius: 2 of Pentacles

During April, you might be juggling various priorities and projects. At times, you may find that one priority takes up the time and energy you had already dedicated to another priority, especially if money is on the line. While multitasking and being adaptable and flexible is a testament to your talents, it also has a tendency to eat away at the time you had reserved for projects that matter most to you. This month, it’s time for you to make whatever that is the center of your focus. If you treat that priority as nonnegotiable, everything else in your life will rearrange itself and find a way to make room for it.

Pisces: 9 of Cups

Pisces: 9 of Cups
Pisces: 9 of Cups

Point blank—this month will be a struggle for all of us. Eclipse season and Mercury retrograde is one thing, but bad boys Mars and Saturn are also meeting up in Pisces, which is downright devastating. Nonetheless, there’s something golden and shiny waiting for you on the other side of it. By letting go of whatever you’ve outgrown and finding the courage to start over, you’re putting yourself in a position to receive the highest honors from the Universe. Life may be tough and full of endless obstacles, but this month, you’re finding ways to enjoy the deepest gratitude that becomes full blown contentment. The world may not be perfect, but in many ways, it’s perfect for you.

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