This Is the Tarot Card That Will Manifest Your 2024 Dreams

2024 Tarot Card Astrology Zodiac Signs

Initiating us into a brand new trajectory that will develop over the next 20 years, 2024 is a year for all zodiac signs to focus on the power of manifestation. To help guide you in this fascinating process of creating the life of your dreams, we have found the Tarot card that will inspire you to enjoy a genuine connection with the universe. Meditating on its imagery and symbolic meaning can get you closer to your most cherished goals over the next 12 months. For the best results, read the tarotscope for your sun and rising signs.

Aries: The Hierophant

It’s time to remember who you truly are, Aries. Being a card that reminds you of the societal morals that tend to shape your actions, The Hierophant’s company can help you figure out if outside forces are dimming your inner light. By truly being aware of your limitations, you can overcome them and find true healing.

Taurus: The Fool

In 2024, you are on the verge of experiencing a major new beginning, Taurus. While it might seem scary to jump into the unknown, The Fool inspires you to trust in the process of reinvention—which can, eventually—lead you to experience a major breakthrough! When change knocks at your door in the year ahead, let this card’s innocence and free-spirited demeanor show you the way!

Gemini: Eight of Swords

Your powers of manifestation reach new heights, Gemini—but there’s a catch! To truly harness them, you will have to get real about what’s possible and what’s based on illusion. Thankfully, the Eight of Swords brings that cut-through reality check you need, taking the blindfold off your eyes. By practicing discernment and choosing wisely, you can materialize your dreams!

Cancer: Nine of Cups

Get ready to take a deep plunge into the mysteries of your soul, dear Cancer. 2024 begins wrapping up a new cycle for you, permitting you to slow down so you can focus more of your time and energy on the non-tangible side of life. The Nine of Cups invites you to rest, dream, wish, and realize that your ability to manifest truly resides in your heart.

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Leo: Six of Wands

Big-time victory can be yours in 2024—Leo, especially concerning your career and public visibility! Whenever change strikes in this area of your life, meditating with the Six of Wands prepares you to come up with a Plan B. The possibility to travel to a faraway destination also comes with this card, inspiring you to explore the world around you.

Virgo: Two of Cups

A true union of the hearts could be in your cards in the year ahead, Virgo. If you’ve been dating someone for a while, you could decide to unite your stories. If you’re flying solo now, that could no longer be true by the time the end of 2024 arrives. If romance isn’t your thing, this card can help you attract the perfect business partner.

Libra: Wheel of Fortune

Destiny is at play in 2024, Libra. Change is the only constant in life, and this card invites you to embrace it! Life’s ups and downs can be easily processed by trusting that life is happening for you and not to you! The Wheel of Fortune also reminds you that what goes around, comes around, so act accordingly!

Scorpio: Queen of Swords

Being a card of dual-energy, the Queen of Swords is here to remind you that to manifest your dreams, you must unite emotion with intellect. Whenever making difficult decisions in the year ahead, the Queen of Swords not only gives you strength, it also gives you the determination to establish clear boundaries in relationships.

RELATED: The Numerology of 2024 Is Universal ‘8 Year’ Full of Risks and Rewards.

Sagittarius: The Hanged Man

To achieve your dreams in 2024, you might have to make a sacrifice, Sagittarius. The Hanged Man is connected to the need to embrace pause and stillness, which is hard for some of us. By stopping to truly observe and think, this card will assist you in seeing things from a different perspective, getting you closer to your most cherished gals.

Capricorn: Queen of Cups

In 2024, your vibe is to truly nurture and love yourself, Capricorn—and there is no better card than the Queen of Cups to guide you. Being the ultimate “mommy” Tarot archetype, this card inspires you to be more compassionate and caring with yourself. After all, 2024 wraps up a fifteen-year cycle of deep transformation for you, and it is only natural for a deep amount of healing to follow now.

Aquarius: Ace of Wands

Feel your inner power awakening, Aquarius! The Ace of Wands symbolizes the emergence of a new story for you that will develop over the next twenty years. You have luck on your side—next, all you need to do is harness it truly moving in the direction that truly speaks to your soul. Are you ready? Yes, you are!

Pisces: Eight of Cups

Trust your path, Pisces. The Eight of Cups is here to reassure you that anything that ends this year for you is only opening the doors for new energy to come in. This is especially true when it comes to any unfinished business in relationships. Feeling emotional is only normal, but holding on to what’s already over is not. Allow for this emotional card to help you sink into this healing process.

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