What It's Like Taking A Bullet Train From Tokyo To The Ski Slopes In 87 Minutes

In a recent video, YouTuber The Slippery Slope took advantage of Japan's vast railroad infrastructure, catching an 87-minute bullet train straight from downtown Tokyo to the slopes.

Talk about convenience.

Gala Yuzama—where The Slippery Slope skis in this video—boasts a gondola that picks up skiers directly from the train station, simplifying the trip from Tokyo further.

The resort is part of a group comprising two other smaller ski areas: Ishiuchi and Yuzawa Kogen. Together, these resorts form the Yuzawa Snow Link.

The Slippery Slope stops in Ishiuchi for lunch, where he finds a bevy of restaurants that rival most North American ski resorts. While he doesn't specify exactly what he has for lunch, it looks like ramen—a good choice.

Then, he hits an onsen at the resort's base, followed by a sake tasting.

And the best part? The Slippery Slope only paid $65 for the train and lift tickets. Yes, the food and sake cost extra, but if you trim off the booze, I can't imagine it was much more.

Whenever I watch a ski video filmed in Japan that includes extra logistical details, like transportation or food offerings, I'm always blown away. Skiing in Japan is so unlike the North American ski experience.

From public onsens to incredibly convenient transportation, it seems tough to beat. And that doesn't even mention Japan's primary draw: the bottomless powder.

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