If You Have Taken On Extra Work/Second Jobs To Make Ends Meet, What Have You Done?

The cost of living is high, and more people are working multiple jobs to cover their expenses; according to Market Watch, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 8.1 million people — 5.1% of the total employed population — are working more than one job this year.

person going through a stack of papers with a calculator on their desk
Krisanapong Detraphiphat / Getty Images

So, we want to hear from you: if you've taken on a second job or extra work to make ends meet, what have you done?

server carrying plates out to a table
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Like, maybe you started working part-time at a local coffee shop, and you find that it's been low-stress, fun, and a very manageable second job.

perosn behind the counter smiling
Tom Werner / Getty Images

Perhaps you started a side gig as a driver for a ride-sharing service, or you've started delivering food orders or groceries — and you can talk about what it's like behind the scenes.

person giving a bag of food over to someone
Ivan Pantic / Getty Images

Maybe you've started freelancing on the side, using a creative skill like writing, photography, or graphic design.

photographer showing a bride and groom their photos
Tony Anderson / Getty Images

Or perhaps you've tried offering other local services, like babysitting or tutoring, and you want to share your experience.

person tutoring a student
Monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images / iStockphoto

In the comments below, tell us about a second job or extra work you've taken on to make ends meet — and how the experience has been for you. Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can use this Google form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.