Tahoe's Heavenly Resort Updates Skiers On Closed Essential Gondola

Heavenly resort in California announced on the afternoon of January 4, 2024 that a recently discovered "mechanical issue" will close the resort's essential 'Heavenly Gondola' indefinitely, bumming out Heavenly skiers and turning the situation to, uh... heck.

But, as promised, Tom Fortune is back with some good fortune: the latest information on the Gondola, and there is an end in sight.

In the video, Tom expresses his gratitude to everyone who has worked to get the gondola spinning again, including the resort maintenance team and large chairlift company Doppelmayr.

"The good news is that if all goes according to plan, we’ll have the Gondola operating again this week."

Reassembling the gondola will take a couple of days, but having the parts and a diagnosis of the problem is a step in the right direction.

"Once the bearings are replaced, we’ll have to spin it for some tests before we can get guests back on it. In the meantime, we still have two main mountain access points open at California Base and Stagecoach Base, and we’re working hard to get enough snow on Boulder."

The recent storm in Tahoe brought over 17 inches to the mountain over the last week, allowing the resort to open more terrain as the season continues.

Officials at Heavenly report that the "foot of snow was a huge help getting more of the mountain open, and we’re adding even more throughout the week."

They opened "a bunch of off-piste terrain" on Sunday (the day after the dump) along with Olympic Express, and Stagecoach Lift opened the day of the storm on Saturday. North Bowl opened today.

Understandably, people are still eagerly awaiting the gondola's repair, but Heavenly promises to keep everyone in the loop.

"We’ll keep you posted with our progress - we’re grateful for your patience and understanding."

Until then, let's make do with our uphill transit options and enjoy the Tahoe powder (and no, it's not even Sierra cement!) until we can sit in a little box on the way up to do so.

Related: Heavenly Resort Opening Additional Chairlift Following Gondola Closure

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