Tahoe Skier Clips Rock On Early Season Send

Local (uber-talented, uber-sendy) Tahoe skier and general outdoorsman Carson McCarron warns other Tahoe skiers to "watch out for rocks early season!"

He doesn't just warn, though. He shows and tells.

With recent POV footage posted to TikTok, Carson explains, "Here are some photos and videos from a misjudged air on main line pocket last weekend."

Main Line Pocket is located at Palisades Tahoe in California, and is only accessible right now by completing a hike up the mountain, to the right of the lines down.

As you hike up, you get to watch everyone's trials and errors as they send it down steep and steeper terrain.

I did the hike a couple days ago, and it was a leg burner for sure.

I also got the privilege of yew-ing a couple sendy folks, and unfortunately watching one man tomahawk to the bottom in glorious style. (He was fine, don't worry!)

When it was my turn to try the terrain, I didn't fall, but I also didn't do anything POV worthy. Shout out to Carson for being bold enough to do both!

Whoever filmed the video sounded extremely concerned, saying "oh, Carson, oh Carson!" as Carson wipes out where the terrain goes from vertical to slopey.

Don't get it twisted: airing Main Line Pocket takes guts. We salute Carson for doing so this early in the season, and providing a good show to all the other dedicated hikers and Gold Coast lift riders.

Here's to falling, especially in front of a crowd.

Fall seven times, stomp it eight.

Related: Palisades Tahoe Announces Opening Day

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