Tahoe Resident Captures Adorable Trail Cam Footage of Baby Bears Play Fighting

This is the cutest sight to see!

Bear encounters can be shocking at best, even if you're accompanied by  an experienced wildlife expert. With the help of a trail camera, though, anyone can get a sneak peek into animals' lives without the danger of getting too close.

Nature enthusiast and Lake Tahoe resident Toogee Sielsch captured some amazing footage on his South Lake Tahoe trail cam on April 19th. His camera was in the right place at the right time as a trio of bear cubs stopped to engage in a play fight. Check out the adorable post from 'Tahoe Toogee's' Instagram account!

How sweet are these little bears? The way they play together reminds us of a group of puppies, though we know better than to treat these animals the same way we'd treat dogs. They might not be so keen on playing with a person, and mama bear might not be far away!

The precious video, which was also shared by Houston Texas' ABC13 News, has been sparking joy across the Internet. Instagram commenter @vandagriffimhoff said, "Truly, too stinkin' cute! I could watch them all day! Wish they were playing in my yard and I have a forest behind me!"

We feel the very same way! We'd be over the moon to see these little cuties through a window instead of a screen, though trail cams like Tahoe Toogee's are lifesavers for those of us who don't live in forested areas.

As his account biography explains, his trail cam footage has a focus on South Lake Tahoe's 'urbanized black bear population.' These bears can grow to massive sizes thanks to easy access to human food, and some locals say the bears are more comfortable around people, too.

With so many black bears in the area, though, we'd be setting up a trail camera, too!

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