Tahoe Pro Reveals Dream Of Skiing Schmidiots This Season

Olympic Valley based professional Freestyle and Freeride skier Trevor Semmens just released an insane video of him skiing Schmidiots, before Instagram reels were even a thing.

Filmed on March 8th, 2017, Semmens points it and lets his skis run, just barely making the drop off the cliff as the run flattens out (and the cameras don't do this run justice, it is gnarly with a capital G).

Schmidiots is one of the most feared and respected Palisades lines at Palisades Tahoe: a 67-degree, 100-foot line that's included in Warren Miller’s Ski Time.

The route requires shooting the snow ramp, jumping over five feet of granite, landing, and immediately airing 20 feet.

You have to "keep your tips up, touch down in the two-foot-wide slot, and duck right (this is crucial) before airing again."

Semmens does it all, seemingly with ease.

He captioned the video, "until winter comes here in Tahoe, I’m gonna be sharing some old videos from the days before reels were a thing."

Semmens explains that he got to ski Schmidiots a couple times during the 16/17 season, which is impressive as that kind of terrain needs a lot of snow to fill in.

"I got to ski this baby a few times that year, it was filled in in a special way that allowed me to jump the whole thing rather than just skiing the wall down."

"I don’t think I’ve seen it like this since! Maybe this will be the year?!"

We hope so too.

Related: Trevor Semmens Shares POV Of Ski Jumping Scenic Road

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