Tahitian Pro Surfer Slapped with $55k Hospital Bill After Pipeline Wipeout

Eimeo Czermak, the tube-savvy pro surfer from Tahiti, is in trouble.

During a heat at the 2023 Vans Pipe Masters, the 20-year-old went over the handlebars on an eight-to-10-foot Pipeline wave, sending him headfirst into the reef.

He was hospitalized following the wipeout. But that was just the start of his troubles.

Now, Czermak is facing a $55,000 hospital bill, which if he can’t pay, he won’t be allowed back into the United States, and specifically Hawaii, where he spends much of the year catching some of the craziest waves of the North Shore season.

So, Czermak is asking for help.

A GoFundMe page has been created to assist with the bills; here’s a snippet from the description:

“I fell on a wave and damaged my spinal cord and head, which caused a serious concussion, when hitting the reef. I am grateful for the Hawaiian Water Patrol and team of lifeguards that brought me to shore but once arriving on shore, I realized I didn't know where I was and couldn't remember what was happening. Shortly after, they put me in a stretcher and a neck brace. That was when the adrenaline wore off and I felt intense pain on my spine and couldn't feel my legs.

“After that, I couldn't feel or move my legs for a week and a half, and still to this day am dealing with the effects of the injury and concussion, which has resulted in depression. I've never been one to ask people for money or help, but this situation unfolded without my control and has put me and my surfing career in a very difficult position.

“The combination of the ambulance ride, hospital stay, MRI and other tests, ended up costing me $55,000.

“If I'm unable to pay back the hospital bills, I won't be allowed to return to the United States or surf in Hawaii again since I am from Tahiti (French Polynesia). This is heartbreaking for me because Hawaii is like a second home to me and has played a huge role in growing my career because of the major contests' I've been able to compete in there. If I'm unable to return to Hawaii, it'll have a huge negative impact on my surfing career.”

Eimeo is just one of the many Pipeline casualties so far this season. And with the WSL kicking off its 2024 Championship Tour with the Pipe Pro on January 29th, not to mention the countless swells and free surf sessions in the months to come, he likely won’t be the last.

Help support Eimeo at the GoFundMe page here.


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