Corporate Jargon Decoded: 11 Acronyms You Need to Know

Landing a new office job doesn't just mean having to learn the responsibilities associated with your position, it also requires mastering a new language made up three-letter words and abbreviations. Some are simply spoken and others regularly appear in e-mail correspondence. Regardless, you can prove yourself fluent in corporate lingo (or at least appear to be) by memorizing these commonly used business acronyms:

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EOD: End of Day
Example: Please have that report to me by EOD. (Related term: COB or Close of Business)

ROI: Return on Investment
Example: Our new initiative, which cost no money and only a few hours of work, has increased profits by 10 percent. Talk about huge ROI!

RFP: Request for Proposal
Example: If we want to be considered for the business, we must respond to our client's RFP before their deadline.

PO: Purchase Order
Example: Please fill out this PO and fax it to the vendor.

OOO: Out of the Office
Example: I will be OOO Tuesday, June 15. (Related term: WFH, or Work From Home)

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MOM: Minutes of Meeting
Example: Please forward me the MOM.

R&D: Research and Development
Example: We need to invest in some R&D before determining the best plan of action.

P1: Priority One
Example: This is a P1 initiative. We need all hands on deck.

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User Interface
Example: When creating our new Website, we must make sure our UI is as streamlined and intuitive as possible.

Profit and Loss
Example: Please provide a report on the P&L.

Fiscal Year
Example: Please provide a comprehensive graph of the revenue for the last FY.

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Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc.

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