How many flights do you haul your stroller up?

It's just one of those realities of being an urban parent, just like traffic jams at preschool drop-off and your child being able to rattle off a Thai take-out order before they can walk: heavy-lifting the stroller (and kid and diaper bag and seven reusable bags of groceries and mail and your to-go chai) up the stairs to your apartment (or condo or townhouse).

You'd think managing all that stuff and all those flights would mean that those moms would have fabulously toned arms. Somehow, this doesn't happen. You'd also think someone would start designing new-build condos clearly marketed to families to have some kind of stroller corral in the lobby. Sadly, I've not yet seen this.

Because my own building had a wee little foyer and no convenient place to tuck catalogs and fliers let alone a jogger, I carried the stroller, kid, and all that other crap up 77 steps several times a day for three years. I got good at slinging it around, but it still always felt like a chore.

Sure, there are light-weight strollers and the snap-and-go models that are essentially a frame. Of course, you can always stash a stroller in the car trunk or yank it out of the basement or garage if you have access to those spaces. And yes, there are much bigger complaints and concerns in parenting, particularly in those early days.

But why not take this Friday to air the issues and triumphs we have with the strollers and the stairs?

Tell us: How high up are you hauling?

What creative solutions or moans do you have about being a stroller pack-mule?