A dozen pretty-but-practical items for your Thanksgiving table—all under $10!

After all the time and effort you're about to pour into cooking up a delicious Thanksgiving meal, you should also give some consideration into what you're going to use to serve it all up with. Having a well dressed table makes the holiday feel that much more special for both you and your guests, and following all that food shopping, menu planning, slaving over a hot stove, and scrubbing down the house to get it company-ready, etc. etc. etc. there's something so satisfying about seeing all the different components of your dinner beautifully presented. Getting your table to look stylish and polished doesn't have to be a fussy, stressful affair, and nor should it cost a fortune, either-here, I've gathered twelve entertaining staples that are sure to come in handy on T-Day and beyond, and none top $10.

Relate: Thanksgiving tips from moms across the country to help you save money on the year's biggest meal