4 Steps to a Younger Face

Sun and age spots, also known as solar lentigines, are flat and dark spots that commonly appear on sun-exposed areas in people over age 40, according to The Mayo Clinic. Although sun and age spots are harmless and they don't require any treatment, they can be a cosmetic nuisance. The best way to have fewer of these spots as you age is to use sunscreen and avoid sitting out in the sun for extended periods of time. However, if you already have sun and age spots and you want to minimize them, you're not entirely out of luck.

Step 1

Hide your spots with make-up. This method doesn't get rid of the spots for good, but it is a simple method of making them invisible until longer-lasting methods kick in. To neutralize the appearance of individual dark spots, apply a peach-toned concealer to each spot before you apply your foundation, suggests "Good Housekeeping" magazine. You will see best results by applying your concealer with a flat make-up brush and patting it with your finger to blend it in with your skin, says "Good Housekeeping."

Step 2

Apply a fade cream to your skin. The most effective over-the-counter fade creams contain hydroquinone, glycolic acid, kojic acid or deoxyarbutin, according to The Mayo Clinic. You may need to apply this cream for several weeks or months before the treatment successfully penetrates through your upper layer of skin, says The Mayo Clinic.

Step 3

Ask your doctor if he can prescribe you a stronger cream if your over-the-counter treatment isn't effective. Prescription creams often contain two times the amount of hydroquinone as the creams you find over the counter, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. A doctor can also prescribe these creams in conjunction with mild steroids to lighten troublesome spots, according to The Mayo Clinic.

Step 4

Visit your dermatologist to ask her about cosmetic treatment options. She may recommend dermabrasion, which involves using a high-speed abrasive instrument to remove the upper layers of your skin and remove irregularities, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. She may also mention other treatments. According to The Mayo Clinic, other common treatments for sun and age spots are: laser therapy, which destroys the melanocytes that create dark pigment; cryotherapy, which involves applying a freezing agent to destroy the excess pigment; and chemical peels, which contain special acid that burns the outer skin layers and allows new skin to form in its place.

Things You'll Need

  • Peach-toned concealer Flat make-up brush Over-the-counter skin lightening cream Prescription skin lightening cream

By Christa Miller


Photo Credit from flickr.com

4 Steps to a Younger Face courtesy of LIVESTRONG.COM