7 Sexy Vintage Ads For... Computers?!

I'm too sexy for my RAM.
I'm too sexy for my RAM.

Anyone who's ever played with a MacBook Air or an iPad knows that computers can be sexy. But then again, Apple products are in a category all their own. Non-Apple products are generally not thought of as having sex appeal. Functional? Sure. Worth getting your panties in a bunch? Hardly.

Still, in the dawn of the computer era, some folks got turned on by their PCs. Or at least some vintage computer ads suggest they did. Take a look and see what counted as sexy in the days before Apple dominated the computer porn industry (no, not that kind of porn) - and look for a very special cameo from Bill Gates as he attempts his best Playgirl-ish pose.

A PENRIL modem?
A PENRIL modem?

1. A PENRIL modem?
Admit it: At first glance, you thought that said something else.

Bill Gates = Sex Symbol?
Bill Gates = Sex Symbol?

2. Bill Gates = Sex Symbol?
Yes, if you find money sexy. Otherwise, not so much.

Is that a USB cord?
Is that a USB cord?

3. Is that a USB cord?
Or are you just happy to see me?

Related: 25 vintage ads that scream SEXISM

A Telex Operator?
A Telex Operator?

4. A Telex Operator?
Is that like a sex phone operator?Or just another secretary-type portrayed as cute and dumb?

Let's get physical!
Let's get physical!

5. Let's get physical!
Let me hear your modem talk. Your modem talk.

Dream on, geeks
Dream on, geeks

6. Dream on, geeks
Unless you one of those web startup billionaires, which came waaaay after this ad, dream on.

Related: 13 tips for snagging a man (circa 1938)

The precursor to 900-numbers
The precursor to 900-numbers

7. The precursor to 900-numbers
Computer porn as experienced by your grandparents.Hubba hubba.

- By Meredith Carroll
Follow Meredith on Babble

For 8 more sexy, vintage computer ads, visit Babble!


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