20 Good Reasons to Never Go Back to Your Ex... Ever!

20 Good Reasons to Never Go Back to Your Ex... Ever!

20. Too much baggage.

19. He knows waaaay too much about you!

18. The sex is probably not going to get any better.

17. You know waaaay too much about him!

16. Remember the reason you broke up in the first place?

15. You told your friends, family, co-workers, what an ass he was and now they can't stand him.

14. Number 15 makes YOU look like an idiot.

13. He screwed a bunch of random girls trying to "get over you", you just don't know about it yet.

12. Two of them were friends of yours.

11. Past is never past, you can forgive but you'll never forget, and a whole bunch of other dumb cliches I won't mention.

10. He's still cheap, angry, a slob, a neat freak, a cry baby, a control freak, a tweeker, or whatever you loved to hate about him when he left- zebras don't usually change their stripes (Damn, another cliche!)

9. You'll confuse your poor grandmother.

8. And any children you might have.

7. He might just be trying to win some stupid bet he made with his friends.

6. Remember how hard it was to get rid of him the first time?!!

5. Too much baggage ( i know, but it deserves a second mention)

4. You're only considering it because it's friday night, you're alone, and you're slightly intoxicated.

3. Even when you were together you were alone and slightly intoxicated...

2. ...in fact, that's how you two hooked up in the first place. You should probably stop drinking, seriously.

And the #1 reason to never, EVER, go back to your ex....

You can't. You still have that restraining order against him!

Bekkah B.